Google's Algorithm is Changing (Again): Is Your Hotel Website Ready?

If you’re like most hoteliers I know, the three little letters S-E-O probably make you recoil in fear, confusion, stress — or um, all of the above.

Part of that “intimidation factor” comes from changes to Google’s algorithm. But not unlike your favorite social media platform, Google actually makes small tweaks pretty often. These don’t always make headlines, of course, but you might have heard about bigger changes coming soon: as in, Google’s major Q2 2021 update.

It’s a lot to digest…

But the good news is this: Quality content is still King (/Queen). 👑

If you’ve been putting out quality content on your hotel website already, congrats! You don’t need to worry about whether all that hard work was in vain — it wasn’t!

With this new 2021 Google update, the buzzword du jour is “Page Experience.”

So, what does this mean for you and your business? Read on for a few things hoteliers should be thinking about to get prepared — including what is (and isn’t) changing in the world of quality SEO copywriting for hotels.

(Update from 4/19/21: The Google algorithm update has been pushed back from May to mid-June! This means you have a little more time to get your Core Web Vitals in shape. 😉)

Google’s algorithm is getting a major update in May 2021. Here’s how to make sure your hotel website is ready.

Tip #1: Know what’s working — and up the ante!

We’re not reinventing the wheel here, my friend.

To prepare your hotel website for the Q2 2021 Google Update, the first thing I suggest you do is this: Figure out what’s been working for you already.

There are a few different ways to “check in” on this:

  1. Google Search Console

  2. Google Analytics — or whatever website analytics tool you’re using

  3. The Hoth’s free Google SEO Ranking Checker

That last one is probably the simplest method to use, in a pinch. Just enter your domain ( and hit “View Google Rankings.”

You’ll have to hand over your email address, but once that’s sorted, you’ll get a nice long list of keywords you’re currently ranking for — including what position and how many people search that phrase each month, on average.

Ranking in positions #1-10 typically means you’re showing up on Page One — nice!

Make sure those keywords are driving traffic to pages with good, high-quality content. You want to see your Brand Name in position #1, ideally — if it’s not, you may have some work to do.

The other thing I suggest you look for here is what’s ranking in positions #11 or higher — that’s typically Page 2, Page 3, Page 4, etc. These are opportunities.

What page(s) rank here? Can you improve the content to help it rank higher?

Keep browsing these keywords and make note if you find any that seem surprising or new.

Many destinations are welcoming more domestic travelers right now — if you’re promoting any creative hotel staycation ideas, maybe you want to think about how the local market might search for them.

Make sure you have supporting, relevant, useful content geared up on your hotel website.

Tip #2: Improve your page experience

Actually, make that “improve your Page Experience,” capital-P, capital-E.

There are lots (and lots and lotsssss) of so-called “ranking factors” baked into Google’s algorithm. It’s all these little things that add up to determine what pages get ranked and where. We don’t know the exact recipe, but through trial and error, time and experimentation, we can make an educated guess…

And then, sometimes, Google comes right out and says it.

One of the most important things in the Q2 2021 update is the addition of “Page Experience” as a ranking factor.

But, what is it exactly?

Page Experience includes a few things we’re already familiar with: Is your website mobile-friendly? Is it secure?

It also includes more of what Google calls its “Core Web Vitals.” These are things like how fast your pages load. Or, is it overly-cluttered with elements that make it hard to use?

I know, I know… I might be losing you already with all this jargon!

Forbes really explains it perfectly: “Content may still be king, but if your user experience is no good, it doesn’t matter how good your content is — no one will see it.”

⬆️So you see, Tip #1 is important but only if you’re also focusing on Tip #2.

Tip #3: It’s time to make hotel SEO a priority

Sorry to get all ~ inspirational ~ on you but, “The best time to start was yesterday. The second-best time to start is right now.”

Search Engine Optimization is a slow, steady race — but the sooner you start, the sooner you see results!

If you’ve got budget to burn, by all means, pay for advertising instead!

But I have to ask… How much are you willing to spend to get that click, knowing OTAs are bidding against you with much deeper pockets?

And while we’re at it… Why are you bidding on your own hotel name when you could just optimize your website, for free, and show up in Position #1 for your own name, for free?

When set up correctly, SEO brings people to you; people who want what you have to offer and are ready to buy because they’re looking for it.

That’s why NOW is the time to make SEO a priority. Not next month. Not next quarter or next year.

Putting in the work NOW puts you in a position to compete and capture pent-up demand as the travel industry recovers.

If you haven’t already, make sure to grab a copy of my FREE hotel SEO checklist below! ⤵

Final Thoughts

(Update from 4/19/21: The Google algorithm update has been pushed back from May to mid-June! This means you have a little more time to get your Core Web Vitals in shape. 😉)

Given SEO’s importance to business recovery — and the changes coming soon to Google’s algorithm — I really urge you to spend some time improving whatever you can on your hotel website.

I share a LOT of useful, free resources on this blog and in my weekly hotel marketing newsletter.

Here are a few more FREE resources and guides you might want to check out, linked for you below.