What does my mom have in common with 9,000+ hoteliers?

They all love my hotel marketing newsletter!

Hey, it’s me! ⤴

Hey, it’s me! ⤴

📬 WHAT can I expect to receive?

Here’s how I bring the ol’ “surprise and delight” to your inbox each week…

My hotel marketing newsletter includes:

✓ Super-actionable marketing tips you can implement like, right now.
First dibs on free stuff to make your life easier (think: checklists, webinars, and templates!)
Early access and exclusive discounts on my copywriting services and popular online courses.

The newsletter goes out every Tuesday to 9,000+ savvy hoteliers from:

25Hours, Kempinski, Accor, Beachcomber, Omni, Hyatt, Andaz, Marriott, W, Hotelschool The Hague and countless independent hoteliers all over the world.

Join them ☝️ and I’ll also send you a free copy of my hotel SEO checklist!


WARNING: Emails may also include frequent over-use of GIFs, dad jokes, and groan-worthy puns… You’ve been warned.

💬 Here’s what subscribers say…

“I feel like I can finally read something specific to my situation!”

“This is so good!!! Really helpful, I enjoyed the video a lot. Thanks so much!”

“I usually am not the person who leaves reviews or gets in touch with people whose content I read but today is different. From strategic values to everyday inspiration, I loved every bit!”

“I loved reading this & couldn’t agree more with the points you made.”

“I just spent two hours on your site and the wheels are turning!”

Join 9,000+ hoteliers getting marketing tips every Tuesday ⤵
